Adopted March 20, 1999
Last Amended
October 24, 2017
March 6, 2018
December 3, 2019
February 27, 2020
April 17, 2021
January 27, 2022
November 29, 2023
March 23, 2024
May 28, 2024
Table of Contents
Section 1.0 Name, Authority, & Purpose
Section 2.0 Members and Participation
Section 3.0 The Cobb County Republican Committee (CCRC)
Section 4.0 Meetings of the Cobb County Republican Committee
Section 5.0 The Cobb County Executive Committee (EC)
Section 5.11 Authorization and Procedure for Electronic Meetings and Voting
Section 6.0 Officers of the Cobb County Republican Committee
Section 6.1 Chair
Section 6.2 First Vice-Chair
Section 6.3 Vice-Chair of Party and Grassroots Development
Section 6.4 Vice-Chair of Communication and Information
Section 6.5 Vice-Chair of Membership
Section 6.6 Vice-Chair of Events
Section 6.7 Secretary
Section 6.8 Assistant Secretary
Section 6.9 Treasurer
Section 6.10 Assistant Treasurer
Section 6.11 General Counsel
Section 6.12 Parliamentarian
Section 6.13 Finance Chair
Section 7.0 Committees
Section 7.5 Rules Committee
Section 7.6 Resolutions Committee
Section 7.7 Finance Committee
Section 7.8 Communications and Information Committee
Section 7.9 Membership Committee
Section 7.10 Military and Veteran’s Affairs Committee
Section 7.11 Outreach Committee
Section 8.0 Precinct Committees
Section 9.0 House District Committees
Section 10.0 Municipal Organizations
Section 11.0 Restrictions on Endorsements by Cobb County Republican Committee Officials
Section 12.0 Removal of Officers and Members
Section 13.0 Vacancies
Section 14.0 Conventions
Section 14.1 The Call
Section 14.2 Precinct Mass Meetings and Precinct Caucuses
Section 14.3 County Convention
Section 14.4 County Convention Committees
15.0 Amendments
1.1 The organization shall be known as the “Republican Party of Cobb County, Inc.” (“RPCC”) and shall be incorporated as a non-profit Georgia corporation. Additionally, the organization shall be authorized to do business as the “Cobb County Republican Party.”SECTION 2 – MEMBERSHIP AND PARTICIPATION
2.1 All electors who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, believe in its declaration of policy and are in sympathy with its aims and purposes to support and elect Republican nominees to public office may participate as members of the Republican Party of Cobb County, Inc.
2.2 Any person thus eligible shall be admitted to membership in the Republican Party of Cobb County upon payment of annual dues in amounts to be recommended by Cobb County Executive Committee and approved by the Cobb County Republican Committee. Membership shall be based on a 12-month period beginning upon payment of member dues and ending at midnight on the anniversary date.
2.3 Upon payment of annual dues, any person admitted for membership and who meets the criteria to be a member of the Cobb County Republican Committee as set forth in Rule 3.3, shall then become a voting member of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
Rule 2.4, all persons qualifying for the Republican ballot in Cobb County shall sign an oath stating, “I do hereby swear or affirm my allegiance to the Republican Party.” Or any oath as so designated in O.C.G.A 21-2-153(b)(4).
SECTION 3 – The Cobb County Republican Committee (Cobb County Republican Committee)
3.1 The Cobb County Republican Committee shall meet at least twice each year and members may attend either in person or by proxy. The form of such proxy shall be designated by the Secretary and approved by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
3.2 The Cobb County Republican Committee shall be vested with all the duties, power and privileges possessed by the Cobb County Republican Convention. While in session, the Cobb County Republican Committee shall act for the Republican Party of Cobb County, Inc.
3.3 The Cobb County Republican Committee shall consist of the following voting members:
3.3.1 The following officers:
A) Chair3.4 The Cobb County Republican Committee shall also include the following honorary, ex officio, and other non-voting members who do not count for quorum:
A) General Counsel3.5 No voting member of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall have more than one vote even if said member falls into more than one of the above categories.
3.6 The Cobb County Republican Committee is charged with the duty of building and furthering the objectives and principles of the Republican Party of Cobb County, Inc. It shall cooperate with the State Committee and its District Committees in conducting all elections within Cobb County.
3.7 The Cobb County Republican Committee shall decide all controversies and contests arising within Republican Party of Cobb County, Inc. with the right to appeal as outlined in State Rules.
SECTION 4 –MEETINGS OF THE Cobb County Republican Committee
4.1 The Cobb County Republican Committee shall not meet less than semi-annually.
4.2 Meetings of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall be held upon written notice mailed at least ten (10) days in advance, or by electronic means at least ten (10) days in advance unless otherwise provided by section 5.11 of the County Rules, on the call of the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, or on the call of one-third (1/3) of the members.
4.3 Such written or electronic notice shall contain an agenda for the meeting and a proxy form for the called meeting.
4.3.1 Changes to the announced agenda shall require 2/3 vote of the Members present at the meeting.
4.4 A quorum of any Committee of the Cobb County Republican Party for transaction of business shall consist of twenty-five percent of the voting members present, either in person or by proxy.
4.5 A proxy may be given only to another member of the Cobb County Republican Committee. No Cobb County Republican Committee member may hold or vote more than two (2) proxies and no proxies shall be directed to or voted by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
4.6 Minutes of the previous Cobb County Republican Committee meeting shall be presented and approved at each Cobb County Republican Committee meeting.
4.7 The Cobb County Republican Committee or Republican Executive Committee must approve, in advance, for all payment(s) to be tendered by the Cobb Republican Party Treasurer that shall be more than $5,000 (Five Thousand US Dollars) to be spent by the Cobb County Republican Party, unless already approved in the Budget.
4.8 Expenses not Budgeted will be itemized and reported to the Cobb County Republican Committee at the next scheduled Cobb County Republican Committee meeting.
5.1 The Cobb County Executive Committee (“EC”) shall be a sub-committee of the Cobb County Republican Committee and, therefore, subservient to the Cobb County Republican Committee.
5.2 The powers delegated to the EC shall not exceed those powers described in these Rules.
5.3 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall serve as the Chair of the EC.
5.4 The voting members of the EC shall be comprised of those positions specified in Rule 3.3 (A) through (P) provided, however, that no person shall simultaneously hold more than one voting position.
5.5 Non-Voting Members
5.5.1 The Parliamentarian, General Counsel, and Rules, Resolutions & Finance Committee Chairs shall serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee.
5. 6 The EC shall have the power to transact the administrative business of the Republican Party of Cobb County, make recommendations to the Cobb County Republican Committee, and to carry out all directives of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
5.7 The EC shall report to the Cobb County Republican Committee all correspondence and information received from the State and Congressional District Committees.
5.8 The EC shall meet at least twice annually as well as at such times as the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee deems it necessary.
5.9 The Executive Committee shall meet on the petition of five (5) or more of its voting members. Notice of meetings shall be issued to the above listed voting members at least seven (7) days in advance.
5.10 Approved minutes of each EC meeting shall be presented to the Cobb County Republican Committee at the Cobb County Republican Committee’s next meeting for inclusion in the Cobb County Republican Committee meeting minutes as a report of a standing committee.
5.11 – Authorization and Procedure for Electronic Meetings and Voting by the EC
5.11.1 Emergency meetings of the EC may be called by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee or by four (4) members of the EC with four (4) days’ notice, either by U.S. mail or electronic means, given to each member of the EC. Purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice. These meetings may be held by electronic means, telephone or Internet, with a quorum required.
5.11.2 Electronic votes must be ratified by the EC at the next duly called meeting of the EC.
5.11.3 Except as to votes requiring a secret ballot, for issues requiring vote by the EC either in favor or opposed to a certain proposition, the vote may be cast and taken by e-mail or other electronic means for electronic meetings only.
5.11.4 All votes cast by electronic means shall be cast within five (5) business days of submission to Members.
5.11.5 A tally of all votes cast by electronic means shall be circulated to all Members within eight (8) business days of submission to Members.
5.11.6 A vote cast by electronic means shall have the same force and effect as a vote cast by a Member casting a vote in person.
5.11.7 Each voting member of the EC shall issue a brief report at each EC meeting. These reports shall be incorporated into the minutes of each EC meeting so as to keep the Cobb County Republican Committee informed of all progress and activities.
6.1 Duties of the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee:
6.1.1 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall be the Chief Executive Officer and spokesperson of the Cobb County Republican Committee and shall perform all duties required by these rules, State Rules, the County Convention, the Cobb County Republican Committee, the EC, and law.
6.1.2 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall convene the Cobb County Republican Committee when the needs of the Party require, shall preside at all Cobb County Republican Committee and EC meetings, and shall be an ex officio member of all committees, except the Convention Nominating Committee.
6.1.3 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee may participate in the County Convention, but shall not have a vote, if not elected to the Convention as a Delegate or an Alternate.
6.1.4 No person shall serve as Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee for more than two consecutive terms.
6.1.5 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall be responsible for developing, with the assistance of the Finance Chair and Finance Committee, an annual fundraising plan for the Cobb County Republican Committee.
6.2 Duties of the First Vice-Chair:
6.2.1 In the absence of the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, the First Vice-Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Cobb County Republican Committee, EC and at other events.
6.2.2 In the event of a vacancy in the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, the First Vice-Chair shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee until a Chair is duly elected.
6.2.3 The First Vice-Chair shall be the chief coordinator of the Cobb County Republican Committee. He/she shall be responsible for coordinating the Cobb County Republican Committee with the State and District Committees. These duties include coordinating details involved with the Precinct Mass Meetings or Precinct Caucuses, the County Convention, and handling arrangement for Cobb County Republican Committee and EC meetings.
6.2.4 The First Vice-Chair shall arrange to have an adequate number of qualified Republican poll watchers for each Precinct and secure prior to each general election from the Elections Board a list of poll workers to verify whether enough of them are Republicans. For all other elections, the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall make a determination if poll watchers are necessary.
6.2.5 The First Vice-Chair shall arrange training programs for poll watchers and select or have available poll watchers for each Precinct. He/she shall be available on election days to answer questions and dispatch assistance to possible trouble areas.
6.2.6 The First Vice-Chair shall perform such other duties as may be assigned him by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, the Cobb County Republican Committee, or the EC.
6.3 Duties of the Vice-Chair of Party and Grassroots Development:
6.3.1 The Vice-Chair of Party and Grassroots Development shall be responsible for filling all House District and Precinct officer positions and to fill those vacancies as per the rules. They also have responsibility over House District Chairs, assisting with their activities and in their efforts to build their House District organizations.
6.3.2 The Vice-Chair of Party and Grassroots Development shall undertake the education and training of House District Chairs and their Precinct Chairs in building effective political organizations at the grass roots level.
6.3.3 The Vice-Chair of Party & Grassroots Development may appoint a Grassroots & Outreach Assistant who shall assist with grassroots and outreach efforts and voter registration. This Assistant will chair the Outreach Committee and must be a current member of the Cobb GOP. The Assistant is not part of the Executive Committee.
6.3.4 The Vice-Chair of Party and Grassroots Development shall perform such other duties as may be assigned him/her by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, Cobb County Republican Committee, or the EC.
6.4 Duties of the Vice-Chair of Communication and Information
6.4.1 The Vice-Chair of Communication and Information shall be in charge and responsible for the County Newsletter, the County Web Site, the County Directory, and all media dissemination. All articles, postings, and news releases shall be approved in advance by the Secretary under the direction of the Chair.
6.4.2 The Vice-Chair of Communication & Information may appoint a Social Media Coordinator who shall be responsible for messaging and communication about the Cobb GOP through social media platforms, as directed by and approved by the Vice-Chair of Communication & Information and the Secretary under the direction of the Chair. The Social Media Coordinator must be a current member of the Cobb GOP. This position is not part of the Executive Committee.
6.4.3 The Vice-Chair of Communication and Information shall perform all other duties assigned by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, Cobb County Republican Committee, or the EC.
6.4.4 The Vice-Chair of Communication and Information shall exercise authority over the Communications and Information Committee under the direction of the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
6.4.5 The Vice-Chair of Communication and Information may serve as Chair of the Communications and Information Committee
6.5 Duties of the Vice-Chairman of Membership
6.5.1 The Vice-Chairman of Membership shall be responsible for all member services activities of the Cobb County Republican Party, including the production and distribution of name tags and other member benefits, as well as encouraging membership growth.
6.5.2 The Vice-Chairman of Membership shall coordinate with the Secretary to maintain an accurate list of dues paid members and their membership levels.
6.5.3 The Vice-Chairman of Membership shall coordinate with the Vice-Chair of Events for member events for regular members and coordinate at least two events a year exclusively for upper tier membership levels.
6.5.4 The Vice-Chairman of Membership shall be responsible for following up with any visitors to CCRP events and meetings.
6.5.5 The Vice-Chair of Membership may appoint a Volunteer & New Member Coordinator who shall be responsible for conducting new member orientation programs as needed and for managing, training, and coordinating volunteers for any Cobb GOP needs, as communicated by the Chair or other executive officers. The Volunteer & New Member Coordinator must be a current member of Cobb GOP. This position is not part of the Executive Committee.
6.5.6 The Vice-Chairman of Membership shall chair the Membership Committee and assist the Chairman with recruiting members for the committee.
6.5.7 The Vice-Chairman of Membership shall perform all other duties assigned by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, Cobb County Republican Committee, or the Executive Committee.
6.6 Duties of the Vice-Chair of Events:
6.6.1 The Vice-Chair of Events shall be responsible for coordinating most events for the Cobb GOP including the monthly breakfasts, annual Christmas party, and the July 4th celebration, and possibly other events.
6.6.2 The Vice-Chair of Events shall be responsible for finding locations for events and getting quotes for venues and events.
6.6.3 The Vice-Chair of Events shall work with the Volunteer & New Member Coordinator to ensure proper volunteer help at each event as needed.
6.6.4 The Vice-Chair of Events shall coordinate with the Vice-Chair of Membership to plan and hold at least two events a year exclusively for upper tier membership levels.
6.6.5 The Vice-Chair of Events may serve on the Membership Committee and they shall serve under the direction of the Chair.
6.7 Duties of the Secretary:
6.7.1 The Secretary shall be responsible for all non-financial records management.
6.7.2 The Secretary shall maintain records of attendance at County and EC meetings as well as vacancies in the Cobb County Republican Committee.
6.7.3 The Secretary shall arrange for registration of members and visitors at meetings, report the number of voting members at meetings, and shall take minutes at meetings.
6.7.4 The Secretary shall perform all correspondence duties, including the distribution of the Call, as well as other duties that may be assigned by the Secretary, the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, Cobb County Republican Committee, or the EC.
6.7.5 The Secretary shall serve as a member of the Resolutions Committee and may serve as Chair.
6.8 Duties of the Assistant Secretary:
6.8.1 The Assistant Secretary shall be responsible for all non-financial records management as assigned by the Secretary.
6.8.2 The Assistant Secretary shall maintain records of attendance at County and EC meetings as well as vacancies in the Cobb County Republican Committee in conjunction with the Secretary.
6.8.3 The Assistant Secretary shall arrange for registration of members and visitors at meetings, report the number of voting members at meetings, and shall take minutes at meetings in conjunction with the Secretary.
6.8.4 The Assistant Secretary shall perform all correspondence duties, including the distribution of the Call, as well as other duties that may be assigned by the Secretary, the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, Cobb County Republican Committee, or the EC.
6.8.5 The Assistant Secretary shall serve as a member of the Resolutions Committee
6.9 Duties of the Treasurer:
6.9.1 The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Party.
6.8.2 The Treasurer shall have the custody of and responsibility for the funds, property, and financial records of the Party.
6.893 The Treasurer shall perform all fiscal responsibilities required by the Cobb County Republican Committee and relevant laws.
6.9.4 The Treasurer shall render a written report to the EC at each meeting. The EC shall review said report and submit it to the Cobb County Republican Committee.
6.9.5 The Treasurer shall be authorized to make all expenditures and to pay all just debts of the Cobb County Republican Party, according to the authorization and budget of the Cobb County Republican Committee and as otherwise required by these Rules.
6.9.6 All pecuniary disbursements under $3,000.00 shall be signed by either the Treasurer or Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
6.9.7 Pecuniary disbursements over $3,000.00 must be signed by two authorized County Party Officers, one of whom must be either the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee or the Treasurer.
6.9.8 The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Finance Committee.
6.10 Duties of the Assistant Treasurer:
6.10.1 The Assistant Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all property of the Party and assist the Treasurer by performing all duties assigned by the Treasurer or by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, Cobb County Republican Committee, or EC.
6.10.2 The Assistant Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Finance Committee.
6.11 Duties of the General Counsel:
6.11.1 The General Counsel shall be appointed by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee with approval from the Cobb County Republican Committee and shall be a member in good standing of the State Bar of Georgia.
6.11.2 The General Counsel shall advise the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee on all legal and regulatory matters of concern to the Party.
6.11.3 The General Counsel shall keep the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee advised on all pertinent election laws.
6.11.4 The General Counsel shall serve without compensation, unless required to represent the Republican Party of Cobb County, Inc. in any civil or criminal case pending in a court of law.
6.11.5 The General Counsel shall serve on and may serve as Chair of the Rules Committee.
6.12 Duties of the Parliamentarian:
6.12.1 The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee with approval from the Cobb County Republican Committee and may, at the discretion of the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, be combined into one office with the General Counsel.
6.12.2 The Parliamentarian shall familiarize himself with the Rules of the Cobb County
Party, the relevant District Committees, the State Party, and the parliamentary
authority and shall advise the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee on
these rules as needed.
6.12.3 The Parliamentarian shall not vote on any matter pending before the Cobb County Republican Committee or the EC, even if normally entitled to a vote by virtue of holding another voting position.
6.12.4 The Parliamentarian shall conduct training on parliamentary procedure within ninety (90) days following the County Convention. Such training can be part of a duly called meeting of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
6.13 Duties of the Finance Chair:
6.12.1 The Finance Chair shall be appointed by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee with approval from the Cobb County Republican Committee and shall serve as Chair of the Finance Committee.
6.13.2 The Finance Chair shall, with the assistance and direction of the Chair, be responsible for raising the funds of the Cobb County Republican Committee and for obtaining adequate financing for the Cobb County Republican Committee.
7.1 The following Standing Committees, whose chairs shall, unless otherwise stated in these rules, be appointed by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, subject to the approval of the EC, are hereby authorized:
A) Rules,7.2 Additional Ad Hoc committees may be established, and their Chairs appointed by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, subject to the approval of the EC.
7.3 Subcommittees of the Standing Committees may be established, and their Chairs appointed by the Chairs of Standing Committees, subject to the approval of the EC.
7.4 Committee Chairs may appoint, subject to the approval of the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, members to their committees as they deem necessary. Committee Chairs shall submit budgets for their committees to the Finance Committee when required.
7.5 The Rules Committee:
7.5.1 The Rules Committee shall periodically review these rules and suggest amendments when warranted, in accordance with Amendment rules set forth in section 15.
7.5.2 The Rules Committee shall be properly versed on the Rules of the Georgia Republican Party, the Rules of relevant District Committees, and the Rules of the Cobb County Republican Party.
7.5.3 The Rules Committee shall review all suggestions for rules changes from members or other interested parties.
7.5.4 In accordance with the Georgia Election Code, a certified copy of the County Rules must be filed with the election superintendent of Cobb County. Upon any changes in the rules between conventions, the Chair of the Rules Committee shall submit to the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee a copy of the County Rules with any and all changes within thirty (30) days for signature and filing.
7.5.5 The General Counsel may serve as Chair of the Rules Committee and the Parliamentarian shall serve as vice-chair. If one person serves in both positions, then he/she shall only serve as Chair.
7.6 The Resolutions Committee:
7.6.1 The Resolutions Committee, in between County Conventions, shall be responsible for selecting resolutions, when warranted, that will be presented to the Cobb County Republican Committee or to the Cobb County Republican Convention in accordance with rules 7.6.1 through 7.6.6. The Resolutions Committee shall periodically meet to write, review and/or edit resolutions which state a position or opinion that the Cobb County Republican Party as a whole may choose to officially express, and which reflect the goal of improving, supporting, or strengthening our county and state Republican Party. The Resolutions Committee shall provide the full text of any completed resolutions, listed in order of priority, to the Secretary, who is a member of the Resolutions Committee, and to the Cobb GOP Chair as they are completed. The Executive Committee may convene and add to its agenda a report stating the Executive Committee’s position on the resolution(s).
7.6.2 The full text of all Resolutions to be presented at the next committee meeting or convention shall be sent to the Cobb County Republican Committee members at least ten (10) days prior to the Cobb County Republican Committee meeting.
7.6.3 Each Resolution presented at the Cobb County Republican Committee and the Cobb County Republican Convention will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote to pass and be adopted.
7.6.4 Any Resolution(s) presented to the Cobb County Republican Committee meetings can be debated no longer than ten (10) minutes for each Resolution and no longer than one (1) hour in total for all Resolution(s).
7.6.5 No more than four (4) Resolutions can be presented at any Cobb County Republican Convention and all Resolutions to be presented at Cobb County Republican Convention shall be sent to each Delegate and Alternate by electronic communication at least 10 days before the County Convention date.
7.6.6 All Notices in Rule 7.6 may be sent by electronic communication or by U.S. Postal Service mail.
7.7 The Finance Committee:
7.7.1 The Finance Committee shall be the financial arm of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
7.7.2 The Finance Committee, or a subcommittee within its domain, shall have responsibility for coordinating all fund-raising activities as determined by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
7.7.3 The Finance Committee shall receive budgets from committees, House Districts, and other Party apparatus requesting funding. The EC shall review all such requests and make recommendations to the Cobb County Republican Committee.
7.7.4 All financial records of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall be subject to a biannual audit or review. These compilations or reviews shall be conducted by qualified personnel appointed by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee and approved by a majority vote of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
7.8 The Communications and Information Committee:
7.8.1 The Communications and Information Committee shall be under the authority and responsibility of the Secretary of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
7.8.2 The Communications and Information Committee shall control all communication organs, and oversee all information technologies, subject to the approval of the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
7.8.3 The Communications and Information Committee shall maintain a current list of registered voters and a list of Republican Primary voters for use by Precinct Mass Meetings or Precinct Caucuses and Conventions as well as by Republican candidates.
7.8.4 All internal and external communications must be approved in advance by the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
7.9 The Membership Committee
7.9.1 The Membership Committee shall, at the direction of the Cobb County Republican Committee Chair, host membership events to increase membership and participation in the Cobb County Republican Committee.
7.10 The Military and Veteran’s Affairs Committee
7.10.1 The Military and Veteran’s Affairs Committee shall be responsible, at the direction of the Cobb County Republican Committee, for providing opportunities for the Republican Party of Cobb County, Inc. to honor and serve our active and retired military personnel.
7.10.2 The Military and Veteran’s Affairs Committee shall retain, to the best of their ability, a current roster of active, inactive, retired and prior service military personnel who are identified as Republican citizens of Cobb County
7.10.3 The Cobb County Republican Committee, EC and the Officers of the Republican Party of Cobb County, Inc. shall make every effort to participate in any military recognition event in Cobb County.
7.11 The Outreach Committee
7.11.1 The Outreach Committee shall be responsible for seeking out and hosting opportunities to build relationships with communities that have historically not voted Republican.
8.1 Each Precinct located in the political boundaries of Cobb County shall, if possible, be organized into Precinct Committees.
8.2 Each Precinct shall be governed by the following officers:
A) Chair8.3 The Precinct Chair shall chair all meetings of his/her Precinct, including the Mass
Meeting or Caucus; shall serve as the communication and organization link between his/her Precinct and the House District chairs; shall designate Precinct members as neighborhood captains, block captains, and street captains as he/she sees fit.
8.4 The Precinct Committee shall meet twice annually or otherwise directed by the Precinct Chair or upon call of the House District Chair. The Precinct Chair is required to report the meeting date and time, but not required to report meeting minutes.
9.1 Each State House District for the Georgia General Assembly located in whole or in part within the political boundaries of Cobb County shall be organized into House District Committees.
9.1.1 Neighboring Cobb County State House Districts with a combined total registered voter count below the county’s House District registered voter average may merge by majority vote in both districts, forming a joint committee with shared officers and meetings.
9.2 The House District Committee shall include the following voting members:
A) House District Chair9.3 Any non-voting member of the Cobb County Republican Committee who resides in the House District shall also be a non-voting member of the House District Committee.
9.4 The House District Committee may write additional rules to govern the House District Committee so long as those rules do not conflict with the rules of the Republican Party of Cobb County, Inc., the GRP, the Republican National Committee or local, state, or national law.
9.5 House District Chairs shall chair all meetings of their House Districts, coordinate the activities of Precincts within their respective House Districts, and have general responsibility for organizing and furthering the efforts and aims of the Republican Party in their respective House Districts.
9.6 Precincts residing wholly in a House District shall be assigned to that House District. Precincts split between two or more House Districts shall be assigned to one House District specified by the EC. Precincts shall remain whole wherever they are assigned.
9.7 In the absence of a House District Secretary, the House District Chair shall appoint one to fill that office. House District meetings shall be held on the Call of the House District Chair or on the Call of one-third (1/3) of the Precinct Chairs of the House District.
9.8 House Districts shall meet at least semi-annually each year upon the provision of ten (10) days advance written notice. In the absence of a House District Chair, the House District Secretary shall preside at meetings of the House District.
10.1 The Cobb County Republican Committee is authorized to provide rules or adopt regulations as it deems necessary or desirable to establish a municipal EC in each municipality principally located in Cobb County for the purpose of encouraging participation in any partisan municipal election including the nomination of Republican candidates therein. Said organization shall be consistent with the Rules of the Georgia Municipal Election Code.
SECTION 11 – Restrictions on Endorsements by Cobb County Republican Committee Officials
11.1 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall not act in any capacity, official, individual or otherwise, in a manner that demonstrates support or partiality for any candidate in a contested race in a Republican Primary. Violation of this rule may be considered cause for removal from office.
11.1.1 Voting members of the EC shall not be prohibited from acting in their individual capacity to support candidates in a contested race in a Republican Party Primary with the following exceptions:
11.1.2 A House District or Precinct Chair shall not act in any capacity in a manner that demonstrates support or partiality for a candidate in a contested Republican Party primary race for a State or County office in which the House District is located. Violation of this rule may be considered cause for removal from office.
11.2 No member of the EC, Cobb County Republican Committee, or Committee Chair, except those members who serve as members of the EC and Cobb County Republican Committee by virtue of their position by other organizations not governed by these rules, shall in their official capacity act in a manner that demonstrates support or partiality for any candidate in a contested race in a Republican Party Primary.
12.1 Any officer or member of the Cobb County Republican Committee may be removed from office for cause, which shall include, but is not limited to, malfeasance, misfeasance, or continued failure to perform the duties of the office, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at any duly called meeting of the Cobb County Republican Committee. However, any such individual must be given written notice of such meeting, sent at least twenty (20) days in advance thereof, setting forth the charges and grounds for removal. The individual shall have the opportunity to be heard in person or by a representative of his/her choice.
12.1.1 Annual membership is by year and runs from the date membership is paid until midnight on the day preceding the anniversary date. All annual membership dues of the Executive Committee or Cobb County Republican Committee are payable by no later than the anniversary date. Upon notification by the Executive Committee that dues as determined in Rule 2.2 have not been received for that year by the anniversary date, or by the adjournment of the first county committee meeting following the anniversary date, whichever is later, then membership shall be automatically terminated to said committee(s).
12.2 Any member appointed by any Chair may be removed for any reason or no reason by that Chair subject to the approval of a majority vote of the EC.
12.3 Any elected officer or member of the Cobb County Republican Committee who officially qualifies to run for public office shall be deemed to have resigned.
12.4 Any appointed officer or member of the Cobb County Republican Committee who officially qualifies to run for public office in a contested Republican Primary shall have been deemed to have resigned.
12.5 An Officer or a Member may resign by submitting his/her resignation in writing to either the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, the Assistant Secretary of the Cobb County Republican Committee or to his House District Chair. Such resignation is effective upon delivery and shall become irrevocable, unless rescinded within seven (7) days.
12.6 Any officer or member of the Cobb County Republican Committee or the EC who is absent from two (2) meetings of said Committee within a calendar year, without submitting a valid written proxy in advance of each such meeting, automatically shall lose his membership thereon at the conclusion of the second such meeting.
12.7 If there is a Republican candidate for public office in a partisan general election, any officer or member of the Cobb County Republican Committee who publicly announces his support of a candidate other than the official candidate of the Republican Party automatically shall lose his membership on said committee (s).
12.8 Any officer or member of the Cobb County Republican Committee who votes in a Democrat primary election, if there is on the same day a contested Republican primary election shall automatically lose his membership on said committee (s). Such member must receive notice of removal and may appeal within thirty (30) days showing good cause that advances the Republican Party. If cause is shown, the member may be reinstated to their position by majority vote of the Cobb County Republican Committee at the next duly called meeting.
12.9 Any officer or member of the Cobb County Republican Committee removed from his/her position (s) thereon under provisions of this Section may appeal within a period of sixty (60) days from the date of his removal, in person or through a representative of choice, directly to the Cobb County Republican Committee, by making a written request to the Secretary. Notice of the appeal shall be included in the Call for the next meeting of the Cobb County Republican Committee. Reinstatement shall require a two-thirds vote of the Cobb County Republican Committee at said meeting.
13.1 In the event of the death, resignation, or removal from office of any elected officer or member of the Cobb County Republican Committee, with the exception of House District and Precinct officers, such vacancies shall be filled by majority vote of the Cobb County Republican Committee at the next duly called meeting. If such vacancy is not filled within ninety (90) days, the EC of the Cobb County Republican Committee may fill such vacancy by a majority vote on its own motion.
13.2 In the event of a vacancy in the position of Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee, the First Vice-Chair shall automatically serve as acting Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee until the Cobb County Republican Committee elects a Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee.
13.3 In the event of a vacancy in the position of Treasurer, the Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall immediately appoint an acting Treasurer unit the Cobb County Republican Committee elects a successor.
13.4 In the event of the death, resignation, or removal from office or a House District or Precinct Officer, the House District Committee shall fill the vacancy and shall notify the Secretary of the Cobb County Republican Committee within five (5) days after the election. If such vacancy is not filled within ninety (90) days, the EC of the Cobb County Republican Committee may fill such vacancy by a majority vote on its own motion. If no Precinct Officers have been elected at the previous Precinct Mass Meetings or Precinct Caucus, the EC or CCRC may fill such Precinct Officers vacancies.
13.5 When a vacancy occurs in a House District Chair or Secretary position by virtue of “Redistricting” by the State Legislator and a seated House District Chairman or Secretary is redistricted out of their current House District, the vacant Office (position) shall be filled at an election by the House District within Forty-Five (45) days after the Governor signing the Redistricting Legislation. The Vice Chairperson of Grassroots Development of the CCRP shall conduct the H.D. Meeting for this Election. If the vacancy is not filled within Fifty (50) days, the E.C. of the Cobb County Republican Committee may fill such vacancy by a majority vote.
13.6 Vacancies in appointed positions shall be filled in the manner provided for filling the positions originally.
14.1.1 The call is a directive by the Republican National Committee (RNC), channeled through the State Party to convene the state conventions.
14.1.2 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall be solely responsible for complying with the Call of the Georgia Republican Party (“the Call”) and all applicable State Party Rules concerning the Call. Failure to adequately perform these duties may be grounds for removal from office.
14.1.3 Regardless if allowed by the Call or State Rules, unit rule shall not be imposed on any elector, Delegate or Alternate at any Precinct Mass Meeting, Precinct Caucus or Convention.
14.2.1 Precinct Mass Meetings and Precinct Caucuses shall be organized by House Districts, as outlined in Section 9.
14.2.2 In odd-numbered years, the first order of business shall be to elect House District Chairs and House Secretaries. Then, each Precinct shall caucus by individual precinct to elect Delegates and Alternates to the Cobb County Convention. Each Precinct shall elect a Precinct Chair, Precinct Secretary, and then other Precinct Officers it deems necessary and are authorized by these Rules. All House District Officers shall serve for two years beginning at the end of adjournment of odd numbered year Precinct Mass Meeting or Precinct Caucus.
14.2.3 Unless otherwise specified in the Call, each Precinct shall be entitled to one Delegate and one Alternate to the County Convention. In addition, each Precinct shall be entitled to one additional Delegate and one additional Alternate for each 50 votes and major fraction thereof (26 or more) cast for the Republican candidate for President in the immediately preceding general election. At the discretion of the County Committee, in Counties having population of over one hundred thousand (100,000), each Precinct shall be entitled to one Delegate for each one hundred fifty (150) votes and major fraction thereof (76 or more) cast for the Republican candidate for President in the immediately preceding general election, with each Precinct having at least one (1) Delegate. Such determination must be made at least by the time of the Precinct Mass Meetings or Precinct Caucus and the EC must be notified. If the county has had changes in precinct lines since the last Presidential Election, the vote totals cast for the Republican candidate for Governor in the immediately preceding general election shall determine allocation of county convention delegates. In such case the formula used to calculate the number of delegates and alternates for each precinct shall be the same as previously stated in this section.
14.2.4 All rules for the conduct of Precinct elections shall be determined by a majority of members in attendance so long as those rules do not conflict with these rules, State Rules, the Rules of the Republican National Committee, or applicable law.
14.3.1 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall preside as Chair of the County Convention until a permanent organization is elected. The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall appoint Interim County Convention Committees and their respective Chairs. The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee may, at his/her own discretion, delegate to the Chair of each committee the authority to appoint additional members of their respective committees. The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall be responsible for preparation and organization of the County Convention and shall provide for the timely distribution of all Convention-related notices required by these Rules and the Call.
14.3.2 In odd numbered years, elections shall be held for the following offices:
A) Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee.14.3.3 The officers elected shall begin serving at the adjournment of the County Convention and shall serve for two years and until their successors are duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed in accordance with these Rules.
14.3.4 The Cobb County Republican Committee shall have the right to increase or alter membership as the Cobb County Republican Committee determines is consistent with these and the State Rules.
14.3.5 The County Convention shall transact all other necessary and proper business of the Party pertaining to the Cobb County Republican Committee.
14.3.6 No official business shall be transacted at the County Convention while any of its Committees are in session.
14.3.7 The County Convention shall attempt to elect a number of Alternates equal to the number of Delegates for the District and State Conventions.
14.3.8 Delegates and Alternates to the County, District, and State Conventions do not have to be present and in attendance or Delegates or Alternates to the Convention at which they are elected to serve as Delegates or Alternates to another convention.
14.3.9 Delegates and Alternates shall not be paired.
14.3.10 The Delegates of each delegation shall by caucus and by majority vote, adopt a plan for the seating of Alternates for any missing Delegates of their delegation.
14.3.11 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall file a copy of these rules with each District Chair of the appropriate Districts and with the Secretary of the State Committee.
14.4.1 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall appoint Rules, Resolutions, Nominating, and Credentials Committees, and may appoint other Convention Committees, as he/she deems appropriate. The Standing Rules and Resolutions Committees of the Cobb County Republican Committee may serve as the Convention Rules and Resolutions Committees.
14.4.2 The Chair of the Cobb County Republican Committee shall appoint the chairs of convention committees no later than the last regularly scheduled Cobb County Republican Committee meeting prior to the Precinct Mass Meetings or Precinct Caucuses in years County Conventions are held.
14.4.3 The Convention Credentials Committee shall have at least five members who reside in separate State House Districts located in Cobb County appointed to serve on the committee.
14.4.4 The Convention Nominating Committee shall nominate eligible candidates for all positions to be filled at the County Convention, as required by these rules and the State Rules. The Convention Nominating Committee shall nominate Delegates and Alternates for each District and State Convention. After submitting said nominees to the Convention, the Convention Nominating Committee shall recess. Upon its return, additional nominees may be placed in nomination from the floor. Alternate nominees are to be in writing and, wherever possible, distributed to the Convention before votes are taken.
14.4.5 The Convention Credentials Committee shall ascertain whether each County Convention Delegate and Alternate satisfies qualifications required by these rules and the State Rules. Reasonable efforts will be afforded to persons determined not to satisfy qualifications to present facts establishing their right to serve as Delegates or Alternates. The Convention Credentials Committee shall present its report on Delegate and Alternate qualifications to the Convention. Only Delegates and Alternates properly registered and qualified according to the Interim Credentials Committee report may vote on the report. Persons not seated as a Delegate or Alternate believing themselves to have been properly chosen and qualified who wish to address the Convention may do so. Such address must precede any vote to accept or reject the Convention Credentials Committee report, must not exceed two (2) minutes, and must pertain specifically to facts showing proper qualifications and right to serve of such person. Such person may address the Convention only once unless otherwise permitted by the Convention.
14.4.6 The Convention Rules Committee shall prepare recommended standing rules for the convention, changes to the Rules of the Republican Party of Cobb County, Inc., and the order of business for the conduct of the County Convention for submission to the County Convention. Such Convention rules would remain in effect only from adoption to the end of the Convention.
15.1 These Rules may be amended by a majority vote at any County Convention or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at any duly called meeting of the Cobb County Republican Committee, provided written notice setting forth the wording of any proposed amendment(s) is transmitted to all Cobb County Republican Committee Members at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the meeting.
15.2 Any amendment to these Rules shall become effective the date when adopted unless otherwise provided.